Monthly Competition

Competition Bannner

Are you a celebrity’s lookalike? Show it off and you could win $100 JB HiFi voucher!

Have you ever been told that you’ve got George Clooney’s smile or Marilyn Monroe’s pout? Have they ever said, “Oh, you look just like that star!” Now your celebrity looks can win you a great prize...

What are the rules?

If you look like someone famous, send us a selfie where you look like that celebrity the most. Attach a photo of the celebrity too. The closer you look like a star the bigger your chance to win!

To join the competition you need to be a member of LiveTribe, so log in or sign up.

What can I win?

Five LiveTribe members judged to be the best lookalikes will each receive a $100 JB HiFi voucher from LiveTribe to spend on films, music and games.

Have fun and good luck!
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Celebrity Lookalikes
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Have celebrity looks? Send us a selfie to win $$ View More
Members Testimonials
"This is a great site. Love doing their surveys." Lyn B., QLD
"Just found out I won $150 in the competition – Thank you LiveTribe." Mary H., SA
"Boy! Am I happy, to win a $150 Hoyts voucher, I love my movies." Barbara F., VIC
"Awesome survey giving so much information on mining, thank you." Elizabeth A., WA
"My rewards from LiveTribe just keep rolling in. Keep it going, LiveTribe" Frank B., VIC