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LiveTribe regularly gives away thousands of dollars worth of competition prizes so there are lots of chances for members to win.

Enter the quarterly $5,000 Cash Giveaway every time you complete a survey or other selected activities on LiveTribe, or join our monthly competitions to win cash or vouchers!

Monthly Competition

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Join a new online competition every month, it's free and easy to enter! All you have to do is answer the monthly competition question to go in the draw to win to win a $100 prize. Permit numbers LTPM/20/05564 ACT TP 20/00699

Chance to share in $5,000 Giveaway every three months

When you sign up with LiveTribe you receive an automatic entry into our $5,000 Draw conducted every three months. You can further increase your chances of winning by accumulating more entries into the draw through participating in research activities, such as online surveys.   The next $5,000 Draw is just around the corner. Don’t miss out! Read previous winners’ testimonials here. Permit numbers ACT TP 21_00916
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Members Testimonials
"This is a great site. Love doing their surveys." Lyn B., QLD
"Just found out I won $150 in the competition – Thank you LiveTribe." Mary H., SA
"Boy! Am I happy, to win a $150 Hoyts voucher, I love my movies." Barbara F., VIC
"Awesome survey giving so much information on mining, thank you." Elizabeth A., WA
"My rewards from LiveTribe just keep rolling in. Keep it going, LiveTribe" Frank B., VIC